Test Redux Connect Components with Enzyme

Tyler Clark
InstructorTyler Clark

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Sometimes our components are subscribed to a Redux store. This can make it difficult to test because it requires a mocked Redux store in order to render in our test files. In this lesson we talk about how we can test the core functionality of our component without the headache of mocking out Redux concepts.

Artem Filippov
Artem Filippov
~ 7 years ago

Thanks for this course and this video. But still, how to test with redux component connected? What if I want a test be full? I want be sure that my props passed successful.

Michał Murawski
Michał Murawski
~ 7 years ago

Thanks for this course and this video. But still, how to test with redux component connected? What if I want a test be full? I want be sure that my props passed successful.

Like I read somewhere on the webs: then you are going into testing Redux itself, not your logic. No point in that